Tuesday, July 1, 2014

God's Abiding Promises

God's way is perfect.  All the Lord's promises prove true.  He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.-----Psalm 18:30

This verse tells us that God's way is PERFECT, when we are OBEDIENT to Him, we can be assured that OUR way will be PERFECT.  When we are TOTALLY surrendered to Him and we allow Him to lead us down the STRAIGHT and NARROW path then HIS ways become OUR ways, because He is OUR Father and WE are HIS children.

Children have a way of imitating their parents and in a lot of cases following in their footsteps. So it SHOULD be with God's Children. We should have an insatiable desire to FOLLOW our Heavenly Father and His PERFECT ways.

I really like this section of the verse that tells us:  "All the Lord's promises prove true."  not just some, but ALL His promises are TRUE.  In other words, He will NOT make a promise that He will NOT keep. ANY of His promises that He makes, He will ACT upon, because He is TRUTH and what He promises will come about.

He is our shield and our protector in times when the old despicable devil is on our backs trying to discourage us and weaken our faith..  We can ALWAYS call upon His name and He is there to lift us up and set our feet of SOLID ground.

Praise God for His UNFAILING love for His Children!!!

If you are searching for PEACE, ASSURANCE, A BETTER WAY OF LIFE, TRUE ABIDING LOVE, AND A PROTECTOR OF YOUR SOUL. You don't have to go very far to find these things.  Just ACCEPT God's FREE gift of ETERNAL LIFE by CONFESSING your sins and BELIEVING that He is ABLE to SAVE and FORGIVE YOU from ALL your sins because of the shed blood of His ONE and ONLY SON, Jesus Christ.  He's waiting for you to make that decision NOW!

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