Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hope, Patience, Praying!

Let your hope make you glad.  Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.-----  Romans 12:12

Words of wisdom, from God's precious holy Word.  Our HOPE in the Lord and His wisdom SHOULD make us GLAD, because of our TRUST and FAITH in His POWER to GUIDE us and DELIVER us from ANY situation that we encounter.

For some PATIENCE is NOT something we possess.  It eludes us, ESPECIALLY in times of TROUBLE.  we seem to want the TROUBLE taken care of immediately if not SOONER.  However, we may be encountering the TROUBLE as part of God's testing of our FAITH and TRUST in Him and His POWER and ABILITIES to HELP us OVERCOME our TROUBLE.

And so that is where PRAYING and NEVER stop PRAYING, comes in.  When we are on our knees,  is when our FAITH is the STRONGEST and it is then that we are EXERCISING our FAITH and TRUST in Father God.

If you have NEVER given your heart and life to God, you face those troubles without the guidance and wisdom of Almighty God, but you can turn that all around by:  CONFESSING your sins to God and asking for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU and is in Heaven, making intercession for you before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION.  Do it NOW, while you STILL can.  He's waiting!!!

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