Friday, October 31, 2014

Conduct Code For Christians

For the Scriptures say, "If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good.  Search for peace, and work to maintain it.  The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers.  But the Lord turns His face against those who do evil.------1 Peter 3:10-12

These verses gives the believer a very clear picture of what is expected of them.  I have heard, from those, who profess to be a Christian, language that made me cringe with disbelief, and if it had that affect on me, I wonder what it must have done to the very heart of ALMIGHTY GOD.  The very mouth that one moment is offering up PRAISE, SONGS, and PRAYERS are now taking the VERY name of the ONE, they were just PRAISING, SINGING AND PRAYING to, in VAIN, using it in a NOT so good context, with words that it should NEVER be used with.

These verses tell us to KEEP our tongues from such vulgarity and to KEEP our lips from telling lies, by which, is something that a LOT of people cannot do, because their lives are built on NOTHING BUT LIES, and that is ALL they seem to know, but as God's children we are to REFRAIN from telling lies, because we belong to God and He is TRUTH!  So as Children of TRUTH, WE  MUST NOT engage in telling lies.

We are to conduct ourselves, with HELP from the Holy Spirit, in a manner conducive to being a Child of the ALMIGHTY GOD and FLEE, RUN, SKADADDLE from EVIL.  But DO those things that, we know, in our HEARTS are GOOD, PLEASING AND ACCEPTABLE to HIM. Then we are to SEARCH for PEACE. This word "SEARCH" gives us an indication that PEACE is not ALWAYS available, but it is worth looking DILIGENTLY for and once we FIND it we must WORK DILIGENTLY to MAINTAIN or KEEP it.

And when we have done ALL of the above, we are told what He will do for us.  It says that His EYES watch over those who do RIGHT, and NEITHER does He SLUMBER nor SLEEP!! Now, this word "SLUMBER" can mean "INACTIVE", so we KNOW that He is neither, INACTIVE or SLEEPING, but VERY well AWARE of EVERYTHING we say or do.
And His ears are OPEN to our PRAYERS.  He is WAITING and WILLING for US to come to Him.  That SPECIAL time when we are ALL ALONE with our HEAVENLY FATHER and can without reservation POUR OUT our HEARTS to the ONLY ONE who can make the CHANGES in our lives that we desperately NEED.

Then we are told  that the Lord turns His face AGAINST those who do evil.  They do NOT belong to Him and they do NOT RECEIVE any of His blessings or protection in this life, unless they come to Him with a REPENTANT HEART, turning AWAY and FLEEING from the EVIL that was once a part of their lives.  They can do that by:  CONFESSING their sins to God, then asking for God's FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL their HEARTS, that Jesus died for THEM, and is ALIVE, in Heaven, making intercession for them, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION. Do it NOW, while they STILL can.  He's waiting!!!

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