Friday, December 5, 2014

The Trembling Earth

The earth trembles, and its people shake; you alone keep its foundations firm.  Psalm 75:3

The earth is TREMBLING with famines, pestilences, droughts, storms, floods, corruptness on EVERY hand and in EVERY nook and cranny.  It TEETERS with fears, discouragenents, anxieties, frustrations, heartaches, disillusionments and so many other factors that are adding to the list of things that are QUICKLY causing people to shake and quake at our present day dilemmas.  Wondering, "what next!"

But God brings assurance to the TREMBLING earth, and its inhabitants, ESPECIALLY to His Children, with the FAITHFUL words: that He ALONE is ABLE to keep its foundations, and that SHOULD strengthen the faith of EVERY Child of the Living God.

If you are TREMBLING and have your doubts about your future, I am telling you that you don't have to be ANXIOUS or AFRAID, if you will just do these SIMPLE, but LIFE-CHANGING things:  CONFESS your sins to God and ask for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU and is ALIVE, in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION.  Do it NOW, while you STILL can.  He's waiting!!!

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