Friday, October 2, 2015

"The Chosen One"

“The Chosen One”

He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.  Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.      1Peter 1:20-21

God’s plan for the salvation of mankind was in existence before the creation of the world.  Jesus Christ was the nucleus of God’s plan and therefore was the “Chosen One.”  The One that would accomplish what God had intended for the redemption of mankind’s soul.

Jesus was revealed in these last times, which was the present age, at the time the Apostle Peter was writing this letter.  Jesus Christ was God’s plan and God’s plan was revealed when Jesus Christ came as a newborn babe.  His mission on earth was to SEEK and to SAVE the lost.  And so He did by being OBEDIENT to the cross.

It is through our belief in, and the acceptance of His death, burial and resurrection that we come to obtain our salvation.  And through His Ascension, we have the victory over death and the HOPE of Heaven.  

When we come to Him with a humble heart and a contrite spirit, and confess our sins to Him, asking Him for His forgiveness and believing, with ALL our HEART that Jesus died for us, and is alive in Heaven, making intercession for us, before God, and accept His gift of salvation, we become His Child and are adopted into His family, and we have obtained the salvation of our soul.  Have you done this?  If not you need to do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and is coming SOON.  Don’t be left behind when He comes again to take His children home.

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