Friday, July 8, 2016

"The Perils of a Sinful Nation!"

“The Perils of a Sinful Nation!”



Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.          Proverbs 14:34



A nation is made up of people, who are born with a sinful nature, and therefore they practice sin.  The sins of mankind can and will destroy a nation. 


When there are UNGODLY people leading or ruling a nation, then you will have a nation that is DOOMED.  In Israel’s history, she has had some UNGODLY kings, and her history has been a cycle of bondage.  And when the people would call out to God for MERCY, He would FREE them from the bondage they were under.  But when they would be disobedient, and end up with another UNGODLY ruler, more bondage would ensue.


God has ALWAYS left a remnant of the nation of Israel, because they are His Chosen People, and have ALWAYS been a BIG part of His plan, in the scheme of things.  But MANY nations and kingdoms have been led by UNGODLY people who EMBRACE the very SINS that God detests, some that the Bible states are an ABOMINATION to Him.  And because of the SINFUL nation and its UNGODLY leaders, it becomes weak and not effective in its influence on other nations, which leads to its demise.


Is that the direction that our nation is going?  Do we have GODLY leaders, who promotes high moral standings, godly behavior, who seeks the wisdom and leadership of the Almighty God?  Or do we have UNGODLY leaders who calls RIGHT, WRONG and WRONG, RIGHT, those who embrace the very sins that are an ABOMINATION to the HOLY RIGHTEOUS GOD of the Universe?  And they are working hard to strip the Christians of their rights and freedoms.  Then yes, we are headed in the same direction as all the other nations and kingdoms that have fallen, because of the SIN that prevails.


The Scripture says that “RIGHTEOUSNESS EXALTS a nation,” this tells me that the only way to preserve a nation is for the people to STOP sinning and to put GODLY leaders in our government.  The rise or fall of a nation is on the shoulders of the people who are able to vote their convictions.  Are you going to be a part of those who will cause our nation to fall, because of your sins? You will be, if you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God.  But you can change, and be a part of the ones who will cause the nation to rise, by your righteous behavior.  You do that by:  Coming to God with a TRULY REPENTANT HEART, and CONFESSING your sins to Him, asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and practice RIGHTEOUSNESS and NOT sins, and be part of making this nation rise and NOT fall.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!



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