Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Become a Super Hero!"

“Become a Super Hero!”



My friends, if any followers have wandered away from the truth, you should try to lead them back.  If you turn sinners from the wrong way, you will save them from death, and many of their sins will be forgiven.       James 5:19-20


This verse of Scripture, written by James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, refers to those who are FOLLOWERS or BELIEVERS, and have STRAYED or WANDERED AWAY from the TRUTH.  It could refer to NEW believers or those who have been believers for a while, but have become weary and has fallen by the way. 


One of the tragic things that happens to NEW believers is that, once they are saved they feel like they should act and be like a MATURE BELIEVER immediately after their conversion, and immediately after their conversion is the PRIME TIME for Satan to tempt them to go back into their OLD SINFUL lifestyle.  When they believe they should act and be like the MATURE BELIEVER, and fail to do so, then they become disillusioned and they feel like a failure.  It was much easier for them to live the sinful lifestyle.   


How can the TRUE MATURE BELIEVER, RESCUE the NEW BELIEVER?  Well, it isn’t by condemning them or making them the object of GOSSIP.  But it is by going to them with a LOVING and COMPASSIONATE HEART, and taking them under your wing, so to speak, and become a MENTOR to them, and DISCIPLE them.  I believe that this is an area, in many churches, that is either weak or non-existent.  It seems like some people who CLAIM to be TRUE BELIEVERS, would rather COMPLAIN, GOSSIP OR SLANDER the one who has FALLEN from the way, and are in just as much NEED of RESCUE and RESTORATION as the NEW or IMMATURE BELIEVER.   


The TRUE MATURE BELIEVER should be LOVING, COMPASSIONATE, CARING, CONCERNED, and WILLING to be a MENTOR or SUPER HERO, who has the SPIRITUAL WELFARE of the NEW or IMMATURE BELIEVER at heart, and will do whatever they can to bring them BACK to the fold.  If you will be WILLING to RESCUE and RESTORE such a one then you will save them from destruction and the death of their SPIRITUAL LIFE and their sins will be FORGIVEN.  And you will be their SUPER HERO.

If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God, and you are NOT a BELIEVER at ALL, then you are a SINNER, and you are LOST in your sins, and on your way to an eternity in Hell, the place of FOREVER torture, torment, pain, agony, heartache and despair, and there is NO WAY of ESCAPE.  But God in His ABUNDANT MERCY and AMAZING GRACE has a plan for you.  He wants you to come to Him with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION and become a NEW TRUE BELIEVER, and seek out a GOOD, BIBLE BELIEVING, BIBLE PREACHING, CONSERVATIVE CHURCH, attend it REGULARLY, and GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL and WORSHIP SERVICE so that you can GROW and MATURE in your FAITH, and one day, become a SUPER HERO.   Do it NOW, while you still can, because He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!



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