Tuesday, August 3, 2021

"New Life"


“New Life”


Therefore, if anyone is in CHRIST, he is a NEW creature; the OLD things passed away; behold, NEW things have come.   2 Corinthians 5:17


The LOVE of Jesus Christ compels us, and since He died for ALL, then ALL died.  Jesus Christ died on BEHALF of ALL, but ALL will NOT ACCEPT this ACT of SALVATION, there are MANY who are REJECTING it, and MANY who have REJECTED it in the PAST, and MANY will CONTINUE to REJECT it in the FUTURE.  This ONE ACT of the SUBSTITUTIONARY DEATH of JESUS, for the SOULS of ALL mankind is the VERY HEART of God’s Plan of SALVATION.  God’s WRATH against mankind’s sins required the shedding of the blood of a SACRIFICIAL LAMB, one WITHOUT  IMPERFECTIONS, a PERFECT LAMB.  And the ONLY ONE, who was WORTHY to carry out this very CRUCIAL ACT, was THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, the ONLY SON, of the ALMIGHTY GOD.  And so, BECAUSE of this ONE who died for ALL the ALL, who are in Christ, will DIE to their SINFUL LIFE- STYLE, and they will become a NEW CREATURE, a VERY DIFFEFENT CREATURE, a CREATURE who has a WHOLE NEW outlook on their LIFE.


This NEW LIFE for a TRUE BELIEVER, is a LIFE that is LIVED by FAITH in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and it is a LIFE of QUALITATIVE EXCELLENCE, which is PERFECT and COMPLETE in EVERY WAY.  All the OLD VALUES, PRIORITIES, BELIEFS and PLANS are GONE, even though they still POSSESS a sinful nature, it can be controlled, by being OBEDIENT to the WORK and WILL of God’s Holy Spirit, who indwells the TRUE BELIEVER. 


The TRUE BELIEVER, not ONLY DIES to sin, but they are RESURRECTED to a NEW LIFE, one that is made RIGHTEOUS before the ALMIGHTY GOD. And they will stand REDEEMED by the BLOOD of the LAMB, who GAVE His LIFE, so they MIGHT have EVERLASTING LIFE in HEAVEN, with ALL its BLESSINGS, and be able to ESCAPE an ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS, and NO WAY to ESCAPE, once you are there; which is NOT a VERY PLEASANT VIEW to face. 


However, God in His AMAZING GRACE and His ABUNDANT MERCY, has provided for MANKIND, a PLAN to have a NEW LIFE, an ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN. Here is what you MUST DO to possess it:  You must ADMIT that you are a SINNER, in NEED of a SAVIOR.  And you MUST BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in HEAVEN, making intercession for you, before GOD. You MUST CONFESS your sins to Him, and with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, ask Him for His FORGIVENESS.  You MUST TURN AWAY FROM your OLD sinful LIFE, and TURN TO GOD for a NEW LIFE with JESUS CHRIST.  You MUST ACCEPT God’s Gift of SALVATION, and receive a NEW LIFE, an ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN, with ALL its BLESSINGS. So, do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!





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