Wednesday, December 21, 2022

“One Man”

 “One Man”


There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—-the Man Christ Jesus.  He gave His Life to purchase freedom for everyone.   1 Timothy 2:5-6


The TRUTH is; there is ONLY ONE GOD, and ONE MEDIATOR who is between God and humanity.  Only ONE who has the capability of RECONCILING God and mankind, the ONE MAN, God’s Only Son, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  To RECONCILE means to “BRING TOGETHER.”  Remember, it was God’s Plan of SALVATION that was/is to bring Himself and ALL of mankind TOGETHER in HARMONY.  


In verse six, we see that it is God’s desire that EVERYONE would be SAVED and would UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, which is; there is ONLY ONE MEDIATOR who can bring the RECONCILIATION between GOD and HUMANITY.  And that MEDIATOR is the ONE MAN, CHRIST JESUS, the SPOTLESS LAMB of the LIVING GOD.  The One who became the SACRIFICIAL LAMB, meaning He GAVE His life, and SHED HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD to make mankind RIGHT with GOD.  


And the ONLY WAY for Him to do that, was to come as a HUMAN BEING, but with a DIVINE NATURE because He was GOD in the FLESH, and He was SINLESS.   And the ONLY WAY He could REDEEM MANKIND, was to have a HUMAN NATURE that was SINLESS.  He could do that by serving as the SUBSTITUTIONARY SACRIFICE for SINFUL MANKIND.  


So, on December 25th , when we gather together, to CELEBRATE CHRISTmas, REMEMBER, the REAL REASON for the SEASON of CELEBRATING.  Jesus GAVE HIMSELF as the ONLY RANSOM for EVERYONE.  He PAID the PRICE for ALL who will ACCEPT Him as their SAVIOR and LORD, and will BELIEVE that He DIED to RECONCILE them to the ALMIGHTY GOD.  And have CONFESSED their sins to Him, and has asked Him for His FORGIVENESS.  And will COMMIT THEMSELVES to TURN AWAY FROM their SINFUL LIFESTYLE, and TURN TO GOD with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART.  And to make it their GOAL to LIVE for JESUS, by STUDYING the Word of God, and KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING His TRUTH.  Then CELEBRATE your ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN, and being SET FREE FROM an ETERNAL LIFE in HELL.  Do this NOW, while you STILL can.  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!  DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND!!!  Praying that EVERYONE will have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a SAFE and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!!

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