Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Here Comes the Judge!"

“Here Comes the Judge!”


Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for He comes, He comes to judge the earth.   He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in His faithfulness.         Psalm 96:13


Here comes the Judge, Creator, Sustainer, and Lord of ALL things.  He is coming to bring JUDGMENT on the earth.  The Psalmist tells us that ALL CREATION should REJOICE, because He comes to JUDGE the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS. 


From the time of Adam and Eve, the earth has been under a curse, but when the Judge of ALL CREATION comes to JUDGE the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS, the curse will be lifted and replaced with BLESSING.  It will no longer moan and groan waiting for the Day of Redemption.  All of Creation will THRIVE and FLOURISH when RIGHTEOUSNESS reigns on earth.  ALL of nature will then sing a NEW SONG.


However, the Judge not only comes to JUDGE the earth, but He comes to JUDGE the PEOPLES or MANKIND, the Crown of God’s Creation.  And He comes in FAITHFULNESS.  SEPARATING the tares from the wheat or in this case, the UNBELIEVERS from the BELIEVERS.  The BELIEVERS will NOT be JUDGED on their SINS, because they are FORGIVEN.  But their WORKS will be JUDGED and TESTED by FIRE.  However, the UNBELIEVERS will be JUDGED by their SINS and mainly their UNBELIEF, and they will face CONDEMNATION and SENTENCING to an ETERNITY in HELL, the place of UNENDING torment, torture, pain, heartache, agony, and despair. 


But there is still HOPE for the UNBELIEVER, NOW, if your will come to God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and REJOICE with ALL of Creation, because “HERE COMES THE JUDGE!” Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!






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