Friday, August 18, 2017

"The Healthy, Thriving Church"

“The Healthy, Thriving Church”


The church everywhere in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had a time of peace and became stronger.  Respecting the Lord by the way they lived, and being encouraged by the Holy Spirit, the group of believers continued to grow.        Acts 9:31


What is a HEALTHY, THRIVING church?  And how did it get that way?  The church is made up of a body of people, who profess to be BELIEVERS in the Lord Jesus Christ.  They SHOULD be ALL in one ACCORD with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, and SHOULD LOVE each other UNCONDITIONALLY as God LOVES us.  They SHOULD have a HEART of FORGIVENESS and COMPASSION for EVERYBODY, not just their little click or group, but for ALL PEOPLE, even the downcast, and unlovable. 


The HEALTHY, THRIVING church is a church that WORKS together and NOT against each other.  It’s a church that shows RESPECT for the Lord by the way they conduct themselves.  In other words they LIVE by the WORD of GOD.  LEARNING and OBEYING His commands, even if it goes against what THEY may want or think.   They SHOULD be SUBMISSIVE to God, DYING to their fleshly desires, and being brought into the NEWNESS of LIFE in Christ Jesus through the WORK of God’s Holy Spirit.


The HEALTHY, THRIVING church is a church that is being ENCOURAGED by the HOLY SPIRIT.  Whenever people are ENCOURAGED they are more apt to WORK harder and be more FAITHFUL to the cause of Christ.  The Holy Spirit sets the example for the TRUE BELIEVER, who SHOULD ENCOURAGE other TRUE BELIEVERS in their walk with the Lord, they should NOT, be envious or jealous of each other.  They SHOULD NOT gossip, back-bite, or slander others, but should ENCOURAGE them and be willing to mentor or disciple them. 


The devil is ALIVE and is HARD at WORK, trying to destroy the Church, the body of Christ.  The body is only as STRONG as the different parts of it is STRONG.  The devil knows where he can attack and be victorious in a person’s life to bring them down to his level.  Using them to DESTROY the WORK God is doing.  They become a THREAT to the HEALTH of the Church.  And could possibly be the DEATH of the local church they are a part of.  BEWARE THE DEVIL IS LIKE A ROARING LION SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR!!


Check out your own WALK with God.  Are you LOVING, COMPASSIONATE, FORGIVING, and ENCOURAGING?  Are you WORKING HARD and FAITHFUL to keep the Church HEALTHY and THRIVING?  Or are you, ENVIOUS, JEALOUS, GOSSIPING, BACKBITING and SLANDERING others? Tearing down and working AGAINST God’s Church, making it WEAK and SICK.  If you are doing these things you NEED FORGIVENESS.  Maybe you have NOT TRULY given your HEART and Life to God, then you are doing the work of the devil and are headed for an ETERNITY in HELL, unless you come to God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and be a part of the HEALTHY, THRIVING Church.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!


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