Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Desiring a Prosperous New Year?"

“Desiring a Prosperous New Year?”


Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first produce of your entire harvest; then your barns will be completely filled, and your vats will overflow with new wine.       Proverbs 3:9-10


PROSPERITY:  Wealth, success


Everyone desires PROSPERITY in some form or another.  Whether it’s to be WEALTHY, as in being RICH, monetarily or to have SUCCESS in whatever you attempt to do.  However, you can have PROSPERITY in ways that are NOT necessarily monetary.  You can have a PROSPEROUS FAMILY, one that is RICH in LOVE and COMPASSION for each other.  You can have a PROSPEROUS career, in whatever you do, by being SUCCESSFUL in the KNOWLEDGE of your profession, and in the WORK of your hands.  There are many ways to be PROSPEROUS.


God’s Word tells us that we SHOULD HONOR the Lord with our POSSESSIONS.  This is a way of expressing our THANKS and GRATITUDE to God for ALL of His BLESSINGS, when done in a LOVING and GRATEFUL attitude, which comes from a LOVING, and GRATEFUL HEART, then we will RECEIVE from God MORE BLESSINGS.  Our giving of our POSSESSIONS with the FIRST produce of our entire harvest is, the giving of our tithes, which is at least ten percent of our salary, BEFORE ANY DEDUCTIONS.  Some may say:  “How can we afford to do that?”  My question is:  “How can you NOT afford to do it?”  When we put God and the things of God FIRST in our lives, it shows our LOVE and APPRECIATION for ALL that He has done for us, and it HONORS Him.   He will GIVE us His BLESSINGS, which will bring us PROSPERITY.  Oh, by the way, the “NEW WINE” spoken of in verse ten, is FRESH WINE, it is the FRESH JUICE of the FRESHLY PICKED GRAPES, NOT the FERMENTED JUICE.  And that is a topic for another time.


Are you DESIRING a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR?   Well, when you GIVE YOURSELF to the LORD, HEART, BODY and SOUL, then He will  BLESS you with ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven, and KEEP you OUT of Hell, with ALL of its HORRORS, and with NO WAY of ESCAPE.  You MUST TURN AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING, your sins to Him, and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and GIVE to God, FIRST, with a LOVING and GRATEFUL HEART, which produces  a  LOVING and GRATEFUL ATTITUDE, and experience PROSPERITY in the NEW YEAR.   Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!



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