Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"Why Hope?"

“Why Hope?”


We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our Help and our Shield.   In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name.   May Your unfailing love be with us Lord, even as we put our hope in You.        Psalm 33:20-22


HOPE:  To trust or rely on (Webster’s Dictionary)


The Psalmist indicates that we SHOULD wait in HOPE for the Lord.  We should wait knowing that He is in CONTROL of EVERYTHING, and therefore we should WAIT TRUSTING or RELYING on God to do whatever He promises He will do. 


WHY should we WAIT in HOPE? Because He is our HELP and our SHIELD, in other words, He is our PROTECTOR.  God is ALL-KNOWING, and since He is ALL-KNOWING, He KNOWS what lies ahead of His Beloved Children, and can PROTECT them from worldly influences, and situations that would hinder or harm our relationship with Him. 


Our HEARTS can REJOICE because we HOPE or TRUST in His Holy Name, that name that is above ALL names in Heaven and on Earth.  In Old Testament times, God had many names, and each of those names had a meaning which reflected God’s character, such as:   El Shaddai, which means, The Almighty God.  Today, TRUE BELIEVERS, call on the name of “JESUS” who is the NEW CONVENANT, which brings mankind and God into a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP or RIGHTEOUS RELATIONSHIP with each other through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  We end our prayers with the phrase; “In Jesus’ Name,” which indicates our HOPE or TRUST in the PRECIOUS NAME of our LORD.  And our HEARTS REJOICE because we HOPE or TRUST in the POWER of that name.


Those who are TRUE BELIEVERS can put their HOPE in God, because of His UNFAILING LOVE, a LOVE that is like NO OTHER, a LOVE which, boggles our minds, minds that does NOT FULLY understand WHY God would sacrifice His Son to be beaten beyond recognition, then nailed on a wooden cross, to be humiliated, scorned, and abused by sinful men, who could NOT comprehend the depth nor height of God’s UNFAILING LOVE, LOVE that held Jesus to the cross, in order for mankind to be able to be REDEEMED or SAVED from their sins and to be able to escape Hell, the place of UNENDING HORRORS, with NO WAY of ESCAPE.   This is the REASON we can put our HOPE in Him.  Have you put your HOPE in GOD and His SON, Jesus Christ? 

You should, because He is your ONLY HOPE, without Him you are DOOMED to spend ALL ETERNITY in HELL.  You must TURN AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and put your HOPE in Him, for He LOVES you with an UNFAILING LOVE.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!



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