Saturday, November 17, 2018

"Thankful For..."

“Thankful For…”


The LORD’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.  The LORD is all I have, and so in Him I put my hope.         Lamentations 3:22-24


The TRUE BELIEVER should be THANKFUL FOR God’s UNFAILING LOVE, which brings the attribute of CONTINUING MERCY.  Because of God’s UNFAILING LOVE, we are the subjects of His MERCY and GRACE.  MERCY is, God NOT giving us what we deserve.


Human beings are born with a sinful nature, meaning that we are born with the nature to be DISOBEDIENT to a RIGHTEOUS and HOLY GOD, the One who created mankind, and even though mankind REBELS AGAINST God’s Law, God has UNFAILING LOVE that produces a CONTINUING MERCY that offers SALVATION to a LOST and DYING world that is on its way to a DESTINY of spending ETERNITY in HELL, the place of UNENDING heartache, torment, torture, hatred, agony, pain and despair, with NO WAY of ESCAPE. 


Because of the DISOBEDIENT and REBELLIOUS nature of mankind, they are DOOMED to be JUDGED and SENTENCED, but God has a plan to rescue them from the DOOMED DESTINY they are facing.  This PLAN is based on His UNFAILING LOVE and CONTINUING MERCY. 


The PLAN is for FALLEN MANKIND to TURN AWAY FROM their sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO GOD, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART.  They should then CONFESS their sins to Him, and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS.  And BELIEVE, with ALL their HEART that Jesus died for them.  And that He is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for them before God.  Then they MUST ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and experience His UNFAILING LOVE and CONTINUING MERCY.  If you have NOT done any of the above you are headed for a DOOMED DESTINY. PLEASE, follow God’s PLAN, and be able to be THANKFUL for His UNFAILING LOVE and CONTINUING MERCY.  Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!



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