“The Faithfulness of God”
Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed
on His faithfulness. Psalm 37:3
King David knew how to TRUST in the LORD. David had a DEEP and ABIDING TRUST in his LORD. He says to us, that we should NOT FRET or WORRY about EVILDOERS. They are DOOMED, unless they TURN AWAY FROM their EVIL-MINDED BEHAVIOR and LIFESTYLE and TURN TO GOD, and LIVE a RIGHTEOUS LIFESTYLE. If they do that, they can TRUST in the very One who created them.
God has promised to PUNISH the UNGODLY, because of their EVIL nature and REBELLIOUS ATTITUDE towards Him and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And He has promised to REWARD the RIGHTEOUS in HEART, and this means they have a PROMISE of an ETERNITY in Heaven with ALL its BLESSINGS. And they will TRULY DWELL in that LAND!
They can be SAFE and SECURE, because they belong to the ALMIGHTY GOD who can and will protect His Precious Children, for ALL ETERNITY. And they will dwell in the PERFECT DWELLING PLACE, which is GUARANTEED to ALL who belong to Him and TRUSTS in His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are feeding on God’s FAITHFULNESS, MERCY and GRACE will receive SALVATION in its FULLEST.
If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God, then you are in REBELLION towards Him and His Son, who shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD on an OLD RUGGED CROSS, for you to be able to FEED on the FAITHFULNESS of God, and to spend ALL ETERNITY in Heaven. The way for you to do that is: To TURN AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO GOD, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART. CONFESS your sins to Him and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS. Then BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God. Then you MUST ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION and start FEEDING on His FAITHFULNESS, by TRUSTING in Him, with ALL your HEART. Do this NOW, while you still can. He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!
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