Monday, September 14, 2020

"The Compassionate Father"

“The Compassionate Father”

As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him; for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.    Psalm 103:13-14

All who have children and grandchildren, can relate to this verse, as it speaks of having COMPASSION on their children.  We all, at one time or another, have had DEEP COMPASSION on our child because of something they have faced or are facing, and they are STRUGGLING with making the RIGHT DECISIONS, or maybe facing a difficult situation at school or at work.  Having COMPASSION on someone, means that you are TENDERHEARTED or you are having MERCY on your child.  Remember, MERCY is NOT RECEIVING what we DESERVE.  So, to have MERCY in the context of COMPASSION, it might mean that we are HOLDING BACK punishment, in order to let the situation, become a teaching moment.  And that is the way God is with HIS CHILDREN.  He is a COMPASSIONATE FATHER, who shows MERCY on His CHILDREN.

Because He is TENDERHEARTED, and LOVING, doesn’t mean that He will allow His Children to get by with living a sinful lifestyle.  He is HOLY and RIGHTEOUS, and will surely CORRECT His OWN. But He does take into consideration the fact that MANKIND is but DUST.  They are FRAIL, WEAK and UNLEARNED in the things of the HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, ALMIGHTY GOD, who created them.  Mankind’s life is like the grass and the flowers of the field, the wind blows over it and its gone. 

However, from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING the LORD’S love is with those who HONOR and live in OBEDIENCE to Him.  And the ALMIGHTY GOD is FAITHFUL to His Children, by His COMPASSION.  It was because of His COMPASSION on MANKIND, that He gave His ONE and ONLY SON, JESUS CHRIST, to be the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, by dying on an OLD RUGGED CROSS, for the SINS of ALL mankind, PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. And their SINS are REMOVED as far as the EAST is from the WEST.  And those who are the TRUE CHILDREN of the LIVING GOD, those who have given their HEART and LIFE to Him, will have HEAVEN with ALL its BLESSINGS as their ETERNAL HOME, ALL because of GOD’S COMPASSION on mankind. 

If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God, then you will spend ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS and NO WAY to ESCAPE, after you are there.  In order to have HEAVEN as your ETERNAL HOME, you MUST be WILLING to TURN AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO GOD, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART.  Then CONFESS your sins to Him, and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS.  And BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God.  You MUST ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and ALLOW HIM to be your COMPASSIONATE FATHER, who has UNFAILING LOVE for ALL of HIS CHILDREN.  Do this NOW, while you still can. He’s waiting and COMING SOON!!!  

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