Friday, July 9, 2021

"A Nation's Sins"


“A Nation’s Sins”


For our sins are piled up before God and testify against us.  Yes, we know what sinners we are.  We have turned our backs on our God.  We know we have rebelled and have denied the LORD.   Isaiah 59:12-13


The sins of a nation are actually the sins of the people who make up the nation.  To ADMIT that we are SINNERS who have SINNED against the HOLY GOD of ALL mankind, means that we have “MISSED the MARK” of God’s HOLY RIGHTEOUS STANDARDS.  These sins of a nation can cause the societal virtues, such as JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH, and UP-RIGHTNESS to disappear.  And we are left with; WICKEDNESS, CORRUPTNESS, DEPRAVITY, and DESPAIR because they have turned their backs on God.


They know how UNFAIR and OPPRESSIVE they have been, carefully PLANNING their DECEITFUL LIES. And WALLOWING in the CESS-POOL of their DEPRAVITY.  The courts oppose those who are RIGHTEOUS in their ways, and JUSTICE is nowhere to be found.  TRUTH stumbles in the streets, and HONESTY has been OUTLAWED.  TRUTH no longer remains, and ANYONE who RENOUNCES EVIL is attacked.  Those who stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE, find themselves in DANGER from the rest of a CORRUPT SOCIETY. (v 15a)


However, this CORRUPT situation will NOT stand, because the Lord’s displeasure WILL ultimately REVERSE it.  He will repay His enemies for their EVIL DEEDS.  His fury will fall on His foes.  He will pay them back even to the ends of the earth. (v 18) And people everywhere will ACKNOWLEDGE His GLORY, MAJESTY and STRENGTH.  God will supply SALVATION and RIGHTEOUSNESS to those who will SEEK HIS FORGIVENESS and REPENT of their EVIL DEEDS.


Are you part of your nation’s sinful condition?  Do you SUPPORT and PARTICIPATE in the SINS of your NATION?  Are you REBELLING against God’s RIGHTEOUS STANDARDS?  IF your answer is YES to these questions then YOU are part of the PROBLEM.   And you, being a part of the NATION, NEEDS to RECOGNIZE your SINFUL behavior, that is preventing others from EXPERIENCING God’s LIGHT of SALVATION.  You NEED to CONFESS your SINS to God and SEEK, with ALL your HEART His FORGIVENESS and REDEMPTION. And TURN AWAY FROM your sinful life-style and TURN TO GOD.  BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS, God’s Son, died for YOU and that He is ALIVE in HEAVEN.  And allow Him to be your REDEEMER and LORD of your LIFE. You MUST ACCEPT His Gift of SALVATION, and STOP being a part of your NATION’S SINS. God will NOT BLESS nor will He HONOR a SINFUL NATION.  So, do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!

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