Saturday, July 17, 2021

"The Joy of God's Presence"


“The Joy of God’s Presence”


“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your Presence and the pleasures of living with You forever.”    Psalm 16:11


In verses 8-11 in Psalm 16, we see that King David was NOT referring to himself, because David DIED and was BURIED, was NOT resurrected.   In verse ten, David was saying that God would NOT let LEAVE his soul among the dead---Sheol, which is the abode of the dead.  Those whose were wicked went to the SUFFERING side of Sheol and those who were RIGHTEOUS went to Paradise, where those Old Testament saints’ spirits went when they died.  They were there until Jesus Christ, God’s ONLY SON, DIED and was RESURRECTED by God Almighty, for the REDEMPTION of their souls and when CHRIST was RESURRECTED, they went to Heaven along with Him, and PARADISE was CLOSED.  So, King David’s prophetic statement that God would NOT leave his soul in Sheol, or allow God’s HOLY ONE to rot in the grave, was a reference to the RESURRECTION of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and His VICTORY over DEATH and the GRAVE.


We, who are God’s TRUE CHILDREN, have that SAME ASSURANCE, and we can say. as King David proclaimed: “No wonder my HEART is GLAD, and I REJOICE. I KNOW that the LORD is ALWAYS with me.  I will NOT be SHAKEN, for He is right beside me.”  And in verse eleven, we can say along with David: “You, will show me the way of life, (this is the work of the HOLY SPIRIT) granting me the JOY of YOUR Presence, (through the Holy Spirit), and the PLEASURES of LIVING with YOU, LORD JESUS, in HEAVEN FOREVER.”  This is the HOPE of EVERY TRUE BELIEVER.  Is it YOUR HOPE?


If you have NOT TRULY given your HEART and LIFE to God, through the SACRIFICIAL WORK of His Son, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who gave His LIFE so that MANKIND might have ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN, with ALL its BLESSINGS, and ESCAPE an ETERNAL LIFE in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS. Your destiny is an ETERNITY in HELL.  But you can change that DESTINY, and become a TRUE CHILD of the LIVING GOD by:  ADMITTING that you are a SINNER in NEED of a SAVIOR.  And BELIEVE, with ALL of your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that HE is ALIVE in Heaven. Then CONFESS your sins to Him, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS.  And be WILLING to TURN AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO GOD.  And ACCEPT His Gift of SALVATION and ALLOW His HOLY SPIRIT to SHOW you the WAY of LIFE and EXPERIENCE the JOY of GOD’S PRESENCE!  Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!

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