Monday, April 8, 2024

“Listen Carefully”

 “Listen Carefully!”


I listen carefully to what God the LORD is saying, for He speaks PEACE to His FAITHFUL people.  But let them NOT return to their foolish ways.   Psalm 85:8


Hearing and Listening are two different things that can cause problems for humanity, and often does.  Hearing is the faculty or sense by which sound is perceived. Listening is to pay ATTENTION; HEED and OBEY. So many times, people will HEAR but they aren’t really LISTENING to what is being said.  And this problem can produce TROUBLE and TURMOIL.  

But we see in our Scripture, the Psalmist says: “I LISTEN CAREFULLY to what God the LORD is saying.”  So, he is NOT just HEARING he is PAYING ATTENTION to what the LORD God is SAYING.  Why? Because the LORD GOD speaks PEACE to His FAITHFUL people. That is to those who have TRUSTED Him for their SALVATION.  And they KNOW that HE is the ONLY ONE who can bring PERFECT PEACE.  His PEACE is NOT like the WORLD brings, but it is PERFECT and ETERNAL for His TRUE BELIEVERS.  


Verse nine says: Surely “His SALVATION is NEAR to those who fear Him, so our land will be filled with His GLORY.”  The word GLORY means the MANIFESTATION of His Presence. These ideas find the ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT in the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  And in the Gospel of John, chapter one, verse fourteen, the Apostle John tells us that “The Word became HUMAN and made His Home among us.   He was full of UNFAILING LOVE and FAITHFULNESS.  And we have seen His GLORY, the GLORY of the Father’s ONE and ONLY Son.”  Have you been LISTENING or only HEARING what God is saying to YOU?


If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God through His ONLY SON, Jesus Christ, then you are NOT LISTENING, maybe only HEARING what He has to SAY to YOU.  TIME is SHORT, we are so CLOSE to the END of TIME, and NOW is the TIME to RECEIVE God’s SALVATION and its PERFECT PEACE for an ETERNITY in HEAVEN with ALL its BLESSINGS.  And to be able to ESCAPE an ETERNITY in HELL with ALL its HORRORS and NO WAY to ESCAPE once you are there.

You MUST ADMIT that YOU are a SINNER in NEED of the SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, who SUFFERED, BLED, DIED and was RAISED from the DEAD, and is NOW VERY MUCH ALIVE.  You MUST BELIEVE with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God.  You MUST CONFESS your SINS to Him and ASK Him for His FORGIVENESS.  You MUST be WILLING to TURN AWAY FROM your SINS, and TURN TO GOD, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART.  You MUST ACCEPT God’s Gift of SALVATION and LISTEN to His VOICE!!  God gave the Jews a WARNING; He told them that they were NOT to RETURN to their FOOLISH WAYS.  This WARNING is VERY MUCH APPLICABLE to the TRUE BELIEVERS of Today.  We SHOULD cut ties with our OLD FOOLISH WAYS and TRUST GOD with our SALVATION and PERFECT PEACE.  Do this NOW, while you STILL can.  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!  Don’t Be LEFT BEHIND!!!

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