Saturday, October 11, 2014

Coming Into the Presence of Almighty God

We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.  And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.------Romans 3:22

Our righteousness is to God, as filthy, putrid, stinky rags.   We cannot come into the presence of HOLY, RIGHTEOUS God on our OWN MERITS, but ONLY through the SACRIFICIAL merits of the HOLY, RIGHTEOUS LAMB of the ALMIGHTY God.  Who is the one, who has provided the PERFECT PLAN for mankind to be able to come into His presence.

We can ONLY obtain this entrance to the ALMIGHTY through our FAITH in Jesus Christ, who is the HOLY, RIGHTEOUS LAMB, that was sacrificed for the sins of ALL mankind.

This is TRUE for EVERYONE, who believes, no matter who we are or what we have, we cannot INFLUENCE, PERSUADE OR BUY our way into the very presence of Almighty God.

So if you are searching for a way to come into His presence, and please, KNOW THAT HOLY, RIGHTEOUS God ONLY hears and answers the prayers of His OWN.  The Only prayer of an unbeliever that He hears is the prayer of REPENTANCE, YOU MUST be a BELIEVER to be able to come into His presence.  The way for you to become a BELIEVER is to:  CONFESS your sins to God and ask for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU and is ALIVE, in Heaven, making intercession for you before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION.  Do it NOW, while you STILL can.  He's waiting!!!

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