Friday, November 25, 2016

"Instructions for Loving Life and Having Many Good Days!"

“Instructions for Loving Life and Having Many Good Days!”



Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.  Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.                  Psalm 34:12-14


This Psalm of David gives us the formula for LOVING LIFE, and being able to see MANY GOOD DAYS.  The first thing he addresses are things we SHOULD NOT do.

(1)   Keep your tongue from evil; in other words, DON’T have a potty mouth.  DON’T say words that are, NASTY, or using GOD’S NAME IN VAIN.  DON’T say things that will bring HURT and HEARTACHE to someone.  DON’T say things that are SLANDEROUS or words that would be INFLAMETORY to another. 

(2)    Keep your lips from telling lies; this is something that seems to have become an EPIDEMIC in this world.  It’s as if the WHOLE WORLD is functioning on LIES of some sort or another.  Lying lips exemplify a DECIETFUL HEART, which is DESPERATELY WICKED.


These are things that work AGAINST our LOVING LIFE and having MANY GOOD DAYS.  When we SIN against God and are DISOBEDIENT to His laws, we tend not to have a HEALTHY LOVE for LIFE, and MOST of the time, we have NOT so MANY GOOD DAYS.  But David gives us some POSITIVE things to do, which would give us a LOVING attitude towards life and provide us with MANY GOOD DAYS. 

(1)   Turn from evil; don’t go chasing after those things that goes AGAINST God’s laws.  But instead PRACTICE those things that you KNOW are PLEASING and ACCEPTABLE in His sight.  BE OBEDIENT to Him, strive to live a life that would not bring you guilt and despair. 

(2)   Do good; treat others the way you would want to be treated, with love, compassion, respect, honor, and patience.  If you see someone in need, do whatever you can to HELP them, instead of downing them or snubbing them, because they are in a lower class of society than you might be in, or they have come upon some hard and difficult times.

(3)   Seek peace and pursue it; TRY with all your HEART to be peaceable with everyone. DON’T instigate trouble or disputes, but SEEK to be a PEACEMAKER, and pursue PEACE, run after it, embrace it, practice it DAILY.


If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God, then you are probably practicing the first two things, allowing your tongue to speak evil, and telling lies, and instead of TURNING FROM evil, you might be practicing evil.  If you believe that you are not doing those things and are following the last three things to do, but you still haven’t given your HEART and LIFE to God, then you are still LOST and on your way to Hell, the place of torment, torture, pain, agony and despair.  You MUST come to God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and LOVE your LIFE, and experience MANY GOOD DAYS.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!


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