Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"Acknowledge, Confess, Forgive"

“Acknowledge, Confess, Forgive”


I acknowledge my sin to You, and I did not cover my iniquity: I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.      Psalm 32:5


The nature of mankind is SINFUL, and because of that SINFUL nature, it has brought about an environment of depravity, hopelessness, despair, corruptness, and many other despicable attributes of a FALLEN world.  King David, KNEW that his sins were always before him.  He was seeking God’s favor, and he KNEW that in order to gain God’s favor, he MUST ACKNOWLEDGE that he was a sinner and he MUST ACKNOWLEDGE his sins to Almighty God.


Again, in Isaiah 59:12, we are encouraged to ACKNOWLEDGE our sins.  The prophet Isaiah states:  “For our offenses are many in Your sight and our sins testify against us.  Our offenses are ever with us, and we ACKNOWLEDGE our iniquities.


So in order to have a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with God, the first thing we NEED to do is to ACKNOWLEDGE that we are a sinner and then ACKNOWLEDGE or CONFESS our sins to God.


Romans 10:10, tells us that with the HEART one believes and is JUSTIFIED, and with the MOUTH one CONFESSES and is SAVED.  So we see that both the HEART and the MOUTH are integral parts of God’s SALVATION PLAN.


When a person ACKNOWLEDGES that they are a SINNER, and then CONFESSES their sins to God, then, and ONLY then will they experience God’s FORGIVENESS, and have a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with Him.  1 John 1:9 says:  If we CONFESS our sins, He is FAITHFUL and JUST to FORGIVE us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.


If you have not ACKNOWLEDGED that you are a sinner, in NEED of a Savior, and have NOT CONFESSED your sins to God, then you are NOT His child, and you are destined to spend ALL ETERNITY in Hell, with ALL of its HORRORS.”  You MUST TURN AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and have a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with Him.  Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!

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