Thursday, June 17, 2021

"The Double-minded Tongue"


“The Double-minded Tongue”


With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s Likeness.   James 3:9


This may be one of the MOST difficult things that a BELIEVER deals with.  We PRAISE God with our tongue, and then when someone does or says something that is NOT nice or could prove to be HARMFUL or DEADLY to innocent people, we become DOUBLEMINDED, and we allow our tongues to speak CURSES, at the individual who is guilty of wrongdoing, and who too was created in God’s Likeness.   Now, this word CURSES, does not necessarily mean PROFANITY, but it can be NAME-CALLING, like STUPID, IDIOT, BUFFOON. You understand what I mean.  This kind of behavior is of a DOUBLE-MINDED NATURE. And this DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS leads to a DOUBLE-MINDED TONGUE.


This DOUBLE-MINDED attitude controls our tongue and our mouth, and is not PLEASING to God.  KEEP in mind that James was speaking to Christians, concerning this matter.  He called them BROTHERS and SISTERS. (v 1) And what makes this a DOUBLE-MINDED TONGUE is that sometimes it praises the Lord and Father, and sometimes it CURSES those who have been made in the IMAGE of the ALMIGHTY God, whether they are BELIEVERS, or UNBELIEVERS.  ALL of mankind were CREATED in God’s IMAGE.


And so, BLESSING and CURSING comes from the SAME mouth.  This is NOT right.  You cannot get FRESH WATER and BITTER WATER from the same well.  So, if this is a problem for you, as it is for MANY others, you can CORRECT IT, by ADMITTING it, and PRAYING for GOD’s FORGIVENESS, and if POSSIBLE, to ask for the FORGIVENESS of the one to whom the CURSING was directed.  Then PRAY for GOD to HELP you NOT BE DOUBLE-MINDED and REMEMBER that these people are made in the IMAGE of God.   So, don’t be GUILTY of having a DOUBLE-MINDED tongue.


If you are an UNBELIEVER, you NEED to keep in mind that YOU were created in the IMAGE of the ALMIGHTY GOD, and you NEED to TURN AWAY FROM your SINFUL LIFE-STYLE and TURN to GOD for the SALVATION of your soul.  And to be able to ESCAPE an ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS.  To do that, you MUST ADMIT that you are a SINNER, in NEED of a SAVIOR. You MUST BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in HEAVEN, making intercession for you, before GOD.  And CONFESS your sins to Him, and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART.  And ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION and TRY HARD, NOT to have a DOUBLE-MINDED TONGUE.  Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!

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