Wednesday, September 22, 2021

“Worthy and Willing”

 “Worthy and Willing”


 Worthy:  And once made perfect He became the source of Eternal Salvation for all who obey Him.    Hebrews 5:9


Willing:  Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted.  But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.  For He bore the sin of many, and made Intercession for the transgressors   Isaiah 53:4-5, 12


Who else could do such a MIRACULOUS feat?  The ETERNAL SALVATION of ALL of mankind, that is, ALL who will be OBEDIENT to Him.  To carry out such a RIGHTEOUS ACT of REDEMPTION, took a SPECIAL PERSON, one who was PERFECT in EVERY way, and one who was SPOTLESS, without SIN, HOLY and RIGHTEOUS in their own right.  One who was CHOSEN by the ALMIGHTY GOD for such an AWESOME TASK.  The ONLY ONE was the SINLESS, SPOTLESS LAMB of GOD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the SON of GOD was the ONLY ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE, He was the ONLY ONE WORTHY for such a MONUMENTAL TASK.


Not only was He WORTHY but He was WILLING to SUFFER, BLEED and DIE in order for us to be able to have a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with the HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, GOD, CREATOR of ALL things.

And to receive ETERNAL SALVATION, and spend our ETERNITY in HEAVEN with all its BLESSINGS and to ESCAPE an ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS, and NO WAY to ESCAPE, after you are there.  


The Prophet Isaiah, describes the WILLINGNESS of CHRIST, when he penned these words: He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, He was pierced for OUR transgressions, He was crushed for OUR iniquities; the PUNISHMENT that brought us peace was upon HIM, and by HIS wounds we are HEALED.  This HEALING was the HEALING from being SIN-SICK, the one DISEASE that, not ONLY, brings SPIRITUAL DEATH, but it is an ETERNAL SEPARATION from God and ALL that is GOOD. And the ONLY CURE is the CLEANSING BLOOD of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  In order to RECEIVE this LIFE-GIVING CURE, you MUST ADMIT that you are a SINNER in NEED of the SAVIOR, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  You MUST BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is Alive in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God.  You MUST CONFESS your sins to Him with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS.  YOU MUST BE WILLING to TURN AWAY FROM your sinful life-style and TURN TO GOD.  You MUST ACCEPT His Gift of ETERNAL SALVATION, and TRUST that He is WORTHY and WILLING to SAVE your soul, and give you an ETERNAL HOME in HEAVEN.   Do this NOW, while you still can,  He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!



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