“The Power of God”
Tell everyone about God’s Power. His Majesty shines down on Israel; His Strength is mighty in the heavens. God is Awesome in His Sanctuary. The God of Israel gives power and strength to His People. Praise be to God! Psalm 68:35
Sometimes, when I’m sitting quietly and contemplating on God’s GREAT CREATION, it causes me to think about the POWER it took to CREATE this WORLD and EVERYTHING in it. And to think about how intricate everything is, brings to mind that OUR GOD is AMAZINGLY POWERFUL and THOUGHTFUL. EVERYTHING has different parts that work together to keep it ALIVE and WORKING, in order to produce what God has intended it to do. He CREATED it for HIS OWN PURPOSE. And He LOVES His Creation, with UNFAILING LOVE.
God’s UNFAILING LOVE and His AWESOME POWER, brought about His GIFT of SALVATION for a WRETCHED, SINFUL,UNLOVING, DEPRAVED WORLD, a world that is DESTINED for an ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS, and NO WAY of ESCAPE. But because of His UNFAILING LOVE, which is exemplified through the SACRIFICE of His Son, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who SUFFERED, BLED, and DIED to BRING GOD’S GIFT of SALVATION to a LOST and DYING WORLD, and His AWESOME POWER that RESURRECTED the LORD JESUS CHRIST, which gave Him VICTORY over DEATH and the GRAVE, and it will GIVE ALL those who are TRULY GOD’S CHILDREN, (which are those who have come to CHRIST, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, for their SALVATION), VICTORY over DEATH and an ETERNITY in HELL.
You can have that SAME VICTORY over DEATH and the DESTINY of an ETERNITY in HELL, through the POWER and STRENGTH of the ALMIGHTY GOD who GAVE His Son to be the ONLY, ULTIMATE, SACRIFICE for YOUR SINS. And ADMIT that YOU are a SINNER, in NEED of the SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. And BELIEVE with ALL your HEART, that JESUS DIED for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God. Then, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESS your sins to Him and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS. And be WILLING to TURN AWAY FROM your sinful life-style, and TURN TO GOD, and ACCEPT His Gift of SALVATION and EXPERIENCE GOD’S SAVING POWER and STRENGTH WORKING in YOU. Do this NOW, while you still can. He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!!