Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Don't Rely On Your Own Understanding

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.-----Proverbs 3:5

Our Heavenly Father is the CREATOR and SUSTAINER of this universe.  Therefore, to me, it only makes sense that His crowning touch of creation, should LEAN ON, TRUST IN and be CONFIDENT IN Him.

Some of us, though, want to be or are self-sufficient, which in some instances may not be so bad, but when we STOP LEANING ON, TRUSTING IN, and not being CONFIDENT IN, the Only One, who is in CONTROL of us and our surroundings, then we are facing BIG problems.

When we rely on our OWN understanding and leave God out of our situations, we are heading down a DANGEROUS path, which to us, leads to the UNKNOWN, but when we LEAN ON, TRUST IN, and are CONFIDENT IN the ONLY ONE who knows what is waiting for us, we are ABLE to face the unknown with TRUST and CONFIDENCE, because we are LEANING ON the ALL-KNOWING, ALL-POWERFUL CREATOR AND SUSTAINER of the universe, who LOVES us SO much that He gave His only Son to die for our sins.

If you are struggling with problems, frustrations, and fears, come to the One who has it all under His control.  CONFESS your sins to God, BELIEVE that Jesus died for YOUR sins and is ALIVE and forever making intercession for YOU before God, ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION.  Do it NOW, before it's too late!  He's waiting!!

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