Monday, April 27, 2015

Shipwrecked Faith

Shipwrecked Faith



Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear.  For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.--------1Timothy 1:19



Unseen battles for the souls of mankind are raging all around us.  These are battles of the forces of GOOD and EVIL, and are not meant for our eyes to see.  This letter from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his son in the ministry, is a letter of ENCOURAGEMENT to keep his faith in Jesus Christ.  And to have a PURE heart, a CLEAR conscience and a GENUINE faith. 


Paul gives Timothy instructions so that He might be able to fight well in the Lord’s battles.  He cannot be a victor if he doesn’t CLING to his faith, and neither can we, for you see we are in that same battle and as God’s Children,  we need to have a STRONG, GENUINE FAITH in Christ Jesus, so that we too can be victors for our Lord. 


But in order to have a STRONG, GENUINE FAITH, we MUST have a CLEAR CONSCIENCE.  If you are dabbling in sin and you are a TRUE Child of the Living God, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction upon your heart and you will NOT have a CLEAR conscience, when you DELIBERATELY do what you KNOW you shouldn’t do, because it is not pleasing to Almighty God, then your FAITH has been SHIPWRECKED. And your CLEAR conscience has been muddled with guilt and heartache.  And if you don’t repent you sink deeper into the sea of sinfulness, and your FAITH ends up SHIPWRECKED, not to mention your witness to others, which will sink to the bottom of the sea of sinfulness and be buried in the sand.


However, you can resurrect your SHIPWRECKED faith by, coming to the Captain of your Faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, and confess your sins to Him, with a contrite spirit and a willing heart to turn or repent from your sins.


Then allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart, soul and mind to restore your faith and produce a clear conscience within you.  So you too will be a VICTOR for our LORD.


If you have NEVER given your heart and life to Jesus, then you don’t have a GENUINE faith or a CLEAR conscience. You are headed out in the sea of sinfulness, to be dashed against the rocks of sin and depravity, headed for an eternity where you will be; LOST FOREVER, with heartache, sorrow, torment, torture, unending pain, and hatred as some of your shipmates.  Don’t let that happen, you are the only one who can stop it, by: CONFESSING your sins to God and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART that Jesus died for you and is ALIVE in Heaven making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION and get off the boat that is headed out to the sea of sinfulness.  Do it NOW, while you STILL can.  He’s waiting!!!


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