Friday, September 15, 2017

"Our Great and Mighty Lord"

“Our Great and Mighty Lord”


He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.  Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.  The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.      Psalm 147:4-6


Have you ever just sat and thought about the GREATNESS and MIGHTY POWER of the Lord God, ALMIGHTY?  Who else could step out in the DARKNESS of NOTHINGNESS and create EVERYTHING?  Who could give LIGHT by just speaking it into existence?  Who could separate the waters and create the SKY?  And cause the waters below to be gathered to one side and the dry ground appear and there was LAND?  And the waters gathered He called “SEAS.” Who else could cause the LAND to produce VEGETATION?  Who else has the POWER to create the SUN, MOON, and the STARS and to determine the NUMBER of stars and calls them EACH by name?  Who else could create EVERY ANIMAL, BIRD and FISH?  And then create the CROWN of CREATION---MANKIND from a little bit of dirt? 


Who else could part the Red Sea or make a donkey talk?   And perform so MANY MORE miracles, which demonstrate their GREAT and MIGHTY POWER?  And who else could bring SALVATION to a LOST and DYING world, through the SACRIFICE of their ONLY SON, to be tormented, beaten, spit upon, and CRUCIFIED on an OLD RUGGED CROSS for people who hated Him.  Who else has the POWER over DEATH by RESURRECTING the lifeless body of their BELOVED SON, in order for MANKIND to have ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven, providing a WAY for MANKIND to ESCAPE an ETERNITY in Hell?  


Who else has UNDERSTANDING that has NO limits?  Who else is a RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, who has the POWER to SUSTAIN the HUMBLE but will DESTROY the WICKED?  ONLY THE LORD GOD, ALMIGHTY!! 


Have you given Him your HEART and LIFE?  If NOT then you fall into the category of the WICKED, who will be DESTROYED and will spend an ETERNITY in HELL, the place of UNENDING torment, torture, heartache, pain, agony and despair, with NO WAY OF ESCAPE.  But the ALMIGHTY, POWERFUL GOD, who is in COMPLETE CONTROL of ALL THINGS, is giving you the opportunity to TURN AWAY from your SINFUL lifestyle, and to TURN TO Him with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING that Jesus, His ONLY SON, died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and be SUSTAINED by God, and NOT DESTROYED and have the HOPE of HEAVEN.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!

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