Monday, December 4, 2017

"The PERFECT Gift"

“The PERFECT Gift”


But the gift is not like the trespass.  For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!        Romans 5:15


Many people are probably through with their shopping for that PERFECT GIFT for those people who are SPECIAL to them.  Those whom they LOVE, and those who are part of their family.  I still have a couple of GIFTS that I need to get.  Every year, it seems to get harder to figure out what to buy for those, to whom, we want to give that PERFECT GIFT.


God, our Heavenly Father, who is the Creator of ALL things, and ALL people, didn’t have that problem, when mankind became cursed, by the actions of ONE man, Adam, and SIN entered the HEART of EVERYONE who has ever been born, God in His INFINITE WISDOM and AMAZING GRACE, knew the PERFECT GIFT that was NEEDED for the Crown of His Creation, MANKIND, whom He LOVES with that SPECIAL LOVE, that comes ONLY through Him.  A LOVE so AMAZING, so STRONG, so PURE, so TRUE.  A LOVE that knows NO BOUNDARIES and has NO LIMITATIONS.  A LOVE that caused Him to GIVE His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, Jesus, to GIVE His own life, so that mankind might have LIFE and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY, The PERFECT GIFT, God’s SON, for the REDEMPTION of MANKINDS’S SOUL.


This PERFECT GIFT brought with it many different purposes.  It provides FORGIVENESS for those who come to God, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, it provides RIGHTEOUSNESS for our soul, we are made RIGHT with God, not with our own RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is like FILTHY RAGS to God, but it is the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus that is ACCEPTABLE to God and gives us a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with Him.  It provides mankind with ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN with ALL the GLORIES of Heaven, and it KEEPS us from an ETERNAL LIFE in HELL, the place of UNENDING torment, torture, pain, agony, heartache, and despair.


It is a GIFT that will NEVER decay, rust, rot, wear-out, or diminish in ANY way, shape or form.  It is ETERNAL, a FOREVER, PERFECT GIFT.  Have you RECEIVED this PERFECT GIFT?  If NOT, God wants to give it to you, NOW.  If you will TURN AWAY from your sinful lifestyle, and TURN TO Him with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING, your sins to Him and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you before God, then ACCEPT His PERFECT GIFT of SALVATION and receive His PERFECT GIFT that was selected ESPECIALLY with you in mind, because when Christ was on the cross, YOU were on His mind.   Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!

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