Friday, November 6, 2015

"Giving Thanks!"

“Giving Thanks!”



I will give thanks to You because You have answered me and have become my salvation.        Psalm 118:21


We are approaching a special day that we as Americans have set aside to give thanks to God for ALL that we have and ALL that He has done for us.  And I would venture to say that in some cases that is the ONLY day some offer up thanksgiving to the One that we owe PRAISE and THANKSGIVING to, for He is the ONE who provides ALL that we are and ALL that we possess.


As Children of the Living God, we should be offering PRAISES and THANKSGIVING to God, EVERY DAY.  And not just ONE day out of the year.  As God’s Children, we have something SO AWESOME to give thanks for EVERY DAY.  That is for the SALVATION of our soul, and for the HOPE of Heaven, which is a part of our SALVATION.


We should EVERY day, be thanking God for His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, through which we have obtained our SALVATION.  Because of God’s GREAT love for the Crown of His Creation, mankind, we have the SALVATION of our soul, through the shedding of the precious blood of the PERFECT SACRIFICE, the Lord Jesus Christ, who IS our SALVATION and our HOPE of Heaven.


For those who are saved, just stop and think, how many times a day do you thank God for His gift of SALVATION?  If it is not something you do on a daily basis, then you should start today, and NOT WAIT for that ‘SPECIAL’ day, of which eating and in some cases gluttony has become the MAIN FEATURE of that day.  


The fact that God loves us SO very much that He sent His ONLY SON to bleed and die in order to become our SALVATION and to give us the HOPE of Heaven, should evoke in us the CONTINUAL giving of THANKS and PRAISE, NOT just ONE day a year, but EVERY day throughout our lives.  We OWE it to HIM. 


If you have not given your HEART and LIFE to God then you have probably been celebrating Thanksgiving in the more worldly ways. And because you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to Him, you can’t offer Him anything, because you don’t belong to His family.  But you have the opportunity NOW to come to Him and become a part of His family and have Him become your SALVATION, and the HOPE of Heaven, because if you don’t, you will spend ALL eternity in Hell.  So make EVERY day a ‘SPECIAL DAY’ of THANKSGIVING and PRAISE to the ONLY One worthy.  You do this by:  CONFESSING your sins to God and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION and give THANKS to Him for becoming your SALVATION and your HOPE of Heaven.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!


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