Friday, November 20, 2015

"The Attributes of a True Christian"

“The Attributes of a True Christian”


Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.  Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult.   On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.          1Peter 3:8-9


We who profess to be a Christian need to realize that in order to wear the title of “Christian” we must follow certain steps to become a bonafide Christian.  The first step is; to become a ‘BELIEVER’ not just a believer, but a TRUE BELIEVER in God, and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.   The second step is; to CONFESS that you are a sinner.  The Third step is; to ask God for His FORGIVENESS.  The fourth step is; to ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and BELIEVE with ALL your HEART that God raised Jesus from the grave and that Jesus is ALIVE in Heaven making intercession for you.  When you have done this and have come to God with ALL sincerity, the Bible says that He is FAITHFUL to FORGIVE us of our sins.  Then you can TRUTHFULLY carry the title of “Christian.” 


The Apostle Peter has brought to light some ATTRIBUTES of a TRUE CHRISTIAN, verses eight and nine of the third chapter of 1Peter tells us how we, as Christians, should conduct ourselves.  

We should be like-minded, or unified in our mind and heart.  We should strive to get along with each other.  DON’T be an instigator, but be a peacemaker.  Christianity is not about us, but ALL about Him (Christ).      

We should be sympathetic toward each other.  We need to try to sympathize with one another.  When one is hurting and burdened about something, we need to share that burden and be willing to help carry their load. 

We should love one another.  We should love each other with an AGAPE or Godly type love.  It should be a strong, abiding, heart-felt love, that can’t be altered in ANY way.  A love that can ONLY be from God for ALL His TRUE Children to share with each other.

We should be compassionate and humble.  These are probably two of the hardest attributes to develop in our Christian life-style.   People, today, are out for themselves, for the most part.  Years and Years ago people were more compassionate and humble, mainly because Christianity was a BIG part of life.  More people attended church and followed the four steps to becoming a TRUE CHRISTIAN.  They possessed a strong belief system and allowed the Holy Spirit of the Living God to exemplify ALL the attributes of a TRUE CHRISTIAN in their lives.  Today, many are just too busy to bother.  We NEED to get back to our TRUE CHRISTIAN roots and live like God intends for us to live.  Instead many are apt to repay evil with evil, you lie about me and I will lie about you.     You cheat on me and I’m going to cheat on you.  Or they trade insult for insult.  If one person insults another person, that person will insult the other person and on it goes.  This is not God’s plan for His Children.  We need to work at pleasing God and NOT pleasing the devil.  We NEED to be a blessing to everyone, and especially to each other.  


If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to Christ, you SHOULDN’T be considered a Christian, because the ONLY WAY you can legitimately be called a Christian is if you have come to Christ for the SALVATION of your soul by:  CONFESSING your sins to God and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION and let God’s Holy Spirit exemplify the TRUE CHRISTIAN attributes in your life.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!             


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