Thursday, June 26, 2014

God's Plan

[God] chose us in [Jesus] before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.-----Ephesians 1:4

We see here that our Heavenly Father has had a PLAN for our SALVATION since BEFORE the CREATION of the world.

It has ALWAYS been His plan to be able to have a LOVING fellowship with His children.  Of course, that is ONLY possible NOW through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, which became an ACTIVE part of His plan when the FALL OF MANKIND occurred in the Garden of Eden.  At that point of time, our destiny went from the Father's hands into mankind's hands and mankind was given, for the very FIRST time, the ability to choose between obedience or disobedience, Heaven or Hell, and we are still faced with those same choices today.

Unfortunately, many are choosing to go down the path of disobedience to the Father because it is, to them, an easier path and offers more worldly desires to satisfy their fleshly appetites.

However, our AWESOME Loving, Heavenly Father offers us the FORGIVENESS part of His MAGNIFICENT PLAN.  All we have to do is ACCEPT it by turning away from our disobedience and start walking down the path of OBEDIENCE to the Father.  Confessing our sins to Him and asking for His FORGIVENESS, then turn away from the old sinful life and embrace the ABUNDANT LIFE that is part of the Creator's PLAN!  He's waiting!

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