Thursday, June 12, 2014

The True Light

This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. ----1 John 1:5

Our Father God is "The Light of the World", He is the One who dispels the darkness of this dark, sinful world.  The One who brings our transgressions from the darkness and into the light and causes us to acknowledge those transgressions, because they are exposed by the Light.

You know how the beam of a candle or flashlight, brings to light those things that are hidden in the darkness.  Things that we might stumble over, things that could cause us pain and heartache if it weren't for the LIGHT.

Thank God He is the LIGHT, and in Him there is NO darkness because He conquers ALL the darkness that we sometimes find ourselves shrouded in.

So be of good cheer, we no longer need to grapple around in the darkness of this old sin-ridden world, because when we come humbly before the Father with a TRULY REPENTANT heart, He indwells us and illuminates our paths with His light and we no longer have to stumble around in the darkness of our transgressions.

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