Saturday, July 8, 2017

"My Fortress, My Rock, and My Refuge"

“My Fortress, My Rock and My Refuge”


The wicked band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.   But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.  He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the Lord our God will destroy them.        Psalm 94:21-23


We live in a very WICKED and DEPRAVED world, with many WICKED and DEPRAVED deeds being carried out, and most of those deeds are aimed at the RIGHTEOUS of God, those who strive DAILY to LIVE by the WORD of the LIVING GOD. 


The TRUE BELIEVER, these days becomes the target of MANY UNGODLY acts, which is used to try to DESTROY ANY and ALL forms of GODLY BEHAVIOR.  It is the MAIN GOAL of Satan to work at DESTROYING any form of GODLINESS in the life of mankind, even to condemning to death the innocent ones.  He does this by entering our FAMILIES, NATIONS, and CHURCHES.  He infiltrates them by finding the ones who are WEAK and VULNERABLE, those he can MANIPULATE and CONTROL. 


In the FAMILIES, Satan works at destroying the structure of the family.  The MAN, the dad, the husband is to be the HEAD of the household, not a taskmaster, but the one to be responsible for the WELL-BEING of the family.  He is to be the SPIRITUAL LEADER, the one who brings God into their family and LEADS their family to a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with God.  But, it’s sad to say, in a lot of cases there is NO MAN within the family, and the RESPONSIBILITY is left up to the Mom.  In a lot of these situations, the fault is the working of Satan to DESTROY the family structure.  Even in families with a MAN as head of the household, there is still the working of Satan to destroy the FAMILY, especially if they ARE trying to live as God wants them to.  Satan will try to influence a member of the family to REBEL against ANY and ALL Godly influences.  Thus, a REBELLIOUS nature evolves and the FAMILY structure is at RISK of DYING.


In the NATIONS, SATAN works on the LEADERSHIP.  He infiltrates, by entering the HEARTS and MINDS of the LEADERS, and works diligently to put into effect the UNGODLY laws that will DESTROY, and bring DEATH to a nation that was once built on CHRISTIAN values.  Satan will work in the HEARTS of mankind to REBEL against ANY form of GODLINESS or LAWFULNESS.  The nations become a cauldron of REBELLION, LAWLESSNESS, HATRED, DEPRAVITY, FILTH, and MORAL DECAY.  The NATIONS are at RISK of DYING.

In the Church, Satan works in ANYONE, who is WEAK in their relationship with God, and sometimes he will plant his own people within the church body.  Their main objective is to influence others within the body, to work against the RIGHTEOUS, by BANDING together, and planting seeds of DISSENTION, and DISCORD among the people.  Then they use ungodly means of carrying out their DESTRUCTION, by planting seeds of gossiping, slandering, back-biting, grumbling, complaining, REBELLING against  the SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP of the church.  And if there is NO SPIRITUAL fiber in the body that is FAITHFUL enough to FIGHT BACK for the cause of Christ, then the Church is at risk of DYING.


God says He will REPAY the WICKED for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; He will DESTROY them.  PAYBACK IS ON THE WAY!  However for the RIGHTEOUS, who are persecuted, God is their FORTRESS, ROCK and their REFUGE. 


If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God then you are part of the WICKED and are being used by SATAN.  Your destiny includes being REPAID for your SINFUL life-style.  You will end up spending ALL of ETERNITY In Hell, the place of UNENDING torment, torture, heartache, pain, agony and despair, with NO WAY of ESCAPE, unless you come to God, NOW, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him, and asking His for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and become one of the RIGHTEOUS, with God as their FORTRESS, ROCK and REFUGE, and receive the HOPE of an ETERNITY in HEAVEN.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!

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