“Be Careful!”
Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your OWN hearts are NOT evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. Hebrews 3:12
This is another exhortation, that WARNS the Christians to BE CAREFUL, and to EXAMINE their OWN HEARTS, making SURE that they are NOT EVIL and UNBELIEVING, nor TURNING AWAY FROM the LIVING GOD.
They MUST WARN each other EVERY DAY, while it is STILL “TODAY,” so that NONE will be DECEIVED by SIN and HARDENED against God. (V13) This is a BENEFICIAL EXHORTATION for the local congregations in the churches today. We should have a spirit of MUTUAL CONCERN and CAUTION shared among the Christians within our churches.
For if we are FAITHFUL to the END, TRUSTING GOD just as FIRMLY as when we FIRST BELIEVED, we will SHARE in ALL that belongs to CHRIST. (V14) In other words, we become PARTNERS with Christ Jesus. We can see the connection here in Revelation 2:26-27: “To him who overcomes and does My will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—he will rule them with an iron scepter.” In Revelation 20:6b: “Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. For them the second death holds NO POWER, but they will be PRIESTS of GOD and of CHRIST and will reign with Him a thousand years.” We who have OVERCOME, will REIGN with CHRIST. Will you be an OVERCOMER, and share in that SAME PROMISE?
If you have NOT given your HEART and Life to God, through His BLESSED SON, JESUS CHRIST, who gave His Life to SAVE your sinful soul, then you are NOT an OVERCOMER, and will NOT REIGN with CHRIST, but you will be spending your ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS, and NO WAY to ESCAPE, once you are there. In order to CHANGE that destiny, you MUST ADMIT that YOU are a SINNER in NEED of the SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. And you MUST BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and that He is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before GOD. You MUST CONFESS your sins to Him and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS. You MUST BE WILLING to TURN AWAY FROM your sinful life-style, and TURN TO GOD, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART. And you MUST ACCEPT God’s Gift of SALVATION, and BE CAREFUL to GUARD your HEART from EVIL and UNBELIEF. Do this NOW, while you still can. He’s WAITING and COMING SOON!!! Don’t be LEFT BEHIND!!!
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