Monday, June 5, 2017

"The Security of the Sheep"

“The Security of the Sheep”


I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never die, and no one can steal them out of my hand.  My Father gave my sheep to me.  He is greater than all, and no person can steal my sheep out of my Father’s hand.

John 10:11, 27-29


Jesus used the analogy of a GOOD SHEPHERD and His sheep to explain the relationship of Him and His followers.  He, being the GOOD SHEPHERD and His followers being the sheep.  One very important aspect of the relationship is that the GOOD SHEPHERD is willing to give his life for his sheep.  And so it is with Jesus and His followers.  Jesus was WILLING to GIVE His life for His followers, and He did just that. 


Jesus said this, concerning His relationship with His followers:  “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will NEVER die, and NO ONE can steal them out of my hand.”  Isn’t it GREAT to know that being a TRUE BELIEVER or a TRUE SHEEP of Jesus Christ, gives such SECURITY of our ETERNAL SALVATION, and that SECURITY is not dependent upon OUR ability, because BELIEVERS sometimes stumble and sin, but the GOOD SHEPHERD, Jesus, will NEVER LOSE any of His TRUE SHEEP. 


Not only do we have the SECURITY of the GOOD SHEPHERD, Jesus, but we also are SECURED by the MIGHTY HAND of the OMNIPOTENT FATHER, who is GREATER than ANYONE, and because of His GREATNESS, NOBODY can STEAL Jesus’ sheep out of the ALMIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT HAND of the ALMIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT FATHER.  What a PROMISE!  The TRUE BELIEVER can NEVER be LOST.


Now the KEY, is that the sheep MUST be a TRUE SHEEP, a TRUE BELIEVER who has come to God with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING their sins to God and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVEING, with ALL their HEART, that Jesus died for them, and is in Heaven, making intercession for them, before God, then they MUST ACCEPT God’s gift of SALVATION, and then they can receive the SECURITY of their ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven, with their GOOD SHEPHERD, Jesus Christ. 


If you have not given your HEART and LIFE to God, then you MUST do the SAME thing, in order to become a TRUE SHEEP or a TRUE BELIEVER.  So do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!



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