Thursday, June 1, 2017

"The Righteous and the Wicked"

“The Righteous and the Wicked”


The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever.  In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.  But the wicked will perish: though the Lord’s enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke.       Psalms 37:18-20


In this Psalm, David compares the different futures between the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED.  He gives us a pretty clear and concise picture of the outcome of each group. 


The BLAMELESS or RIGHTEOUS, will be under the PROTECTION and CARE of God, and they will be able to look FORWARD to their ETERNAL INHERITANCE, the HOPE of Heaven, and ALL its GLORIES.  In the disastrous times they must spend here on earth, they will NOT wither and fade away, but they will be able to PERSERVERE, because they are in the Lord’s care. 


Those the Lord BLESSES will eventually INHERIT the land, but those He CURSES, the WICKED, will be DESTROYED.   He makes FIRM and STEADFAST the steps of those who belong to Him, and delights in Him; though when they stumble, they will NOT fall, because He holds them up with His hand. 


But the WICKED will have NO future, because they will be DESTROYED.  The SALVATION of the RIGHTEOUS comes from the Lord, for He is their STRONGHOLD in times of trouble.  He is their HELPER and DELIVERER.  The RIGHTEOUS will inherit the land and live in it FOREVER.  The WICKED will be COMPLETELY DESTROYED.


Which group do you belong to, the RIGHTEOUS or the WICKED?  If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to GOD and TRUSTED in Him for the SALVATION of your sin-sick soul, then you are listed with the WICKED and you will spend ALL of ETERNITY in Hell, the place of PERPETUAL torment, torture, pain, agony, heartache, and despair.  But God is giving you an opportunity NOW, to TURN AWAY from your sin, and TURN to Him with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING, your sins to Him and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART, that Jesus died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and become one of the RIGHTEOUS, who will INHERIT the land and have a GLORIOUS, ETERNAL FUTURE awaiting them.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!


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