“Honorable or Dishonorable!”
Now in a
large house there are not only gold and silver bowls, but also those of wood
and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. So if anyone purifies himself from anything
dishonorable, he will be a special instrument, set apart, useful to the Master,
prepared for every good work.
2Timothy 2:20-21
The Apostle
Paul, throughout his ministry, had his share of problems with false teachers
infiltrating the churches and leading the people astray. In his
letter to Timothy, he is encouraging Timothy to NOT get tangled up with these
false teachers, he was to NOT have anything to do with them nor their
So Paul used
the metaphor of the contents in a large house, some were gold and silver and
some were wood and clay. The gold and
silver were for HONORABLE use, but the wood and clay were for DISHONORABLE
In our
churches, we have some who are FAITHFUL, TRUE BELIEVERS and some who are
UNFAITHFUL and are corrupted by the world.
They may believe they have SALVATION, but have only a head-knowledge and
NOT acceptance of the HEART, and are still connected to their old
life-style. They try to mix the things
of the world with the things of God, but they are contaminated by the worldly
things and cannot be of HONORABLE use to the Almighty God. Some of these wood and clay vessels may be
serving or ministering in our churches, they may be in teaching or leadership
positions and possibly leading some astray by teaching a FALSE doctrine.
We NEED to
be on guard and with love and diplomacy remove the wood and clay vessels from
the teaching positions and replace them with the gold and silver vessels, which
are purposed for HONORABLE use. We don’t
want to be guilty of participating in FALSE teaching or of leading anyone
astray. We will be accountable to God
for our actions concerning the proper use of HONORABLE or DISHONORABLE
The souls of
mankind are worth protecting MORE than trying to protect the feelings of an
UNBELIEVER, who is contaminating the hearts and minds of the people with FALSE
teachings. I know that is a harsh reality,
but we are given the responsibility to protect the gospel and its integrity. The way we do that is to make SURE that our
leaders and teachers are TRUE BELIEVERS. That they are HONORABLE vessels that
God will be willing to use for His good pleasure. In order for them to be HONORABLE, they MUST
come to God with a TRUE repentant HEART, CONFESSING their sins to Him and
asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL their HEART, that Jesus
died for THEM, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for them, before
God, then ACCEPT God’s gift of SALVATION, and be an HONORABLE vessel ready to
be used by ALMIGHTY GOD. Do it NOW,
while they still can. He’s waiting and
coming SOON!!!
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