Thursday, April 20, 2017

"BEWARE! The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

“BEWARE! The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”


Such men are not true apostles but are workers who lie.  They change themselves to look like apostles of Christ.  This does not surprise us.  Even Satan changes himself to look like an angel of light.  So it does not surprise us if Satan’s servants also make themselves look like servants who work for what is right.  But in the end they will be punished for what they do.                                         2 Corinthians 11:13-15


The Apostle Paul had problems with FALSE apostles, those who masqueraded as TRUE apostles, but were TRULY NOT, the REAL THING.  Times have NOT changed a bit.  The way they carry out their schemes, their techniques, their abilities and their mode of getting their FALSE doctrines spread across the sea of humanity, has been modified to fit the mindset and the frame of time in which they operate.

MANY have, and MANY will fall into their clutches, and will believe the FALSEHOODS and the WICKED mindset of the FALSE doctrines.  They are enamored by the schemes of shrewd and deceitful people, who do what they do to BETTER their own lifestyle at ANY cost.  They have NO real concern for those who are LOST and GRASPING for any shred of HOPE.


BEWARE of those who come declaring a DIFFERENT scenario than the one, which God, Himself has laid out for the SALVATION of mankind.  Jesus said:  “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, NO man comes to the Father, but by Me.”  These are the words of TRUTH, and a person MUST come before the Holy God, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING their sins before Him, asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL their HEART, that Jesus died for them, and is in Heaven, making intercession for them, before God, then ACCEPT God’s gift of SALVATION, and receive the TRUE WAY to ETERNITY in HEAVEN.  DON’T be SWAYED by the LIES of SATAN, but FOLLOW Jesus, READ and STUDY your Bible, in order to KNOW the TRUTH.  Paul says that, “in the end they, the FALSE TEACHERS, will be punished for what they do,” and so will their followers.  So come to God NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!

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