Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Living in the Light, Escaping the Darkness"

“Living in the Light, Escaping the Darkness”


Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in Me does not believe in Me only, but in the One who sent Me.  The one who looks at Me is seeing the One who sent Me.  I have come into the world as a Light, so that no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness.       John 12:44-46


Jesus Christ, the PERFECT manifestation of God.  Jesus wanted those who were listening to HEAR what He had to say.  It was of GREAT IMPORTANCE, and a much NEEDED message, therefore He CRIED OUT or CALLED OUT, and I believe He may have used His outside voice, meaning that He spoke LOUDLY and with AUTHORITY. 


He wanted the people to KNOW that If they BELIEVED in Him, it was NOT ONLY Him that they BELIEVED in, but also the One who sent Him, and that being God, the Father.  He is God in the flesh that is why He said, “The one who looks at Me is seeing the One who sent Me.  Jesus and God is one, so when you BELIEVE in the Son you BELIEVE in the One who sent Him, God, the Father.


Jesus wanted them to KNOW, also about His mission.  So He told them that He has come into the world as a LIGHT that will illuminate the pathway OUT of the DARKNESS and into the LIGHT of God’s LOVE.  And those who come to Him, BELIEVING in Him, with ALL their HEART will NOT stay in the DARKNESS.


Those who practice evil, lives in DARKNESS, and will not come to the LIGHT, because of fear of their evil deeds being exposed.  But those who choose to LIVE in the LIGHT, and will expose their evil deeds to the Lord, He is FAITHFUL to FORGIVE, and to SAVE them from an ETERNITY of DARKNESS in Hell, the place of UNENDING, torment, torture, pain, agony, heartache, and despair.  Where are you LIVING, today?  Are you LIVING in DARKNESS?  If you are, then you are headed for ETERNAL DARKNESS in the depths of Hell. 


God wants you to come to the LIGHT, Jesus Christ, NOW, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART, CONFESSING your sins to Him and asking Him for His FORGIVENESS, BELIEVING, with ALL your HEART that Jesus Christ died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God, then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and come OUT of the DARKNESS and INTO the LIGHT.  Do it NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming soon.

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