Thursday, May 16, 2019

"What Pleases God?"

“What Pleases God?”


This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.  For there is one God and one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all people.  1Timothy 2:3-6


Some of the things that PLEASES God are that:  His Children live PEACEFUL and QUIET lives in all GODLINESS and HOLINESS.  Also that ALL PEOPLE would be SAVED and come to a KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH.  That they might KNOW that there is ONLY ONE GOD, and ONE MEDIATOR between God and mankind, that ONE MEDIATOR is the Lord Jesus Christ, who GAVE His life as a RANSOM (payment) for ALL PEOPLE. 


We, who are the TRUE CHILDREN of the LIVING GOD, should be willing to LIVE our lives to PLEASE God.  For God did NOT call us to be IMPURE, but to LIVE a HOLY LIFE.  Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does NOT reject a human being but God, the VERY GOD who gives you His Holy Spirit.  The One who helps us LIVE a HOLY LIFE.  (1 Thessalonians 4:7-8)


You MUST KNOW that God is NOT PLEASED with WICKED behavior, and EVIL people are NOT welcome in His presence, unless of course, they are coming to Him for the SALVATION of their WRETCHED SOULS.  Otherwise they are NOT WELCOME in His presence.  And their destiny is an ETERNITY in HELL, with ALL its HORRORS, and NO WAY of ESCAPE.  (Psalm 5:4-6)


As His Children, we SHOULD be VERY CAREFUL, how we live---NOT as UNWISE but as WISE, making the MOST of EVERY opportunity, because the days are EVIL.  And do NOT be FOOLISH, but UNDERSTAND what the Lord’s will is.  Through PRAYER and OBEDIENCE to His Word you can KNOW what the WILL of God is for you.  You MUST LIVE to PLEASE HIM and NOT to PLEASE your FLESH.   (Ephesians 5:15-17)


If you have NOT given your HEART and LIFE to God, then you are HEADED for that ETERNITY in HELL.  But you can change your DESTINY to an ETERNITY in HEAVEN, with ALL its BLESSINGS, by PLEASING GOD, and LIVING for HIM.  You do that by:  TURNING AWAY FROM your sinful lifestyle, and TURNING TO GOD, with a TRUE REPENTANT HEART.  You MUST BELIEVE, with ALL your HEART, that JESUS died for YOU, and is ALIVE in Heaven, making intercession for you, before God.  Then CONFESS your sins to Him, and ask Him for His FORGIVENESS.  Then ACCEPT His gift of SALVATION, and LIVE QUIET, PEACEFUL LIVES in ALL GODLINESS and HOLINESS through His HOLY SPIRIT.  And receive an ETERNAL HOME in HEAVEN.  Do this NOW, while you still can.  He’s waiting and coming SOON!!!



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